Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Standing out

In my opinion, I will react normally to someone who has a different racial appearance. Firstly, because it's a person like each others despite his race but each human in the world have the same right. So, I'm not agree with the fact that we make the difference between two race. While, the man with the chinese-vietnamese origin said in the first videoclip when someone asked to him " What is your race ? " He will say always a "human" and I'm agree with him because each person have different nationality but it doesn't just depend of where you are come from and your race to determinate who you are it also depend of your your mentality, your education and your heritage.

In the province of Quebec immigrants are accepted a lot espacially in big city like Montreal where the rate of immigration is 31 %. That's why immigrants tend to settle in bigger cities because they are not the only immigrants like you can be in a small city. For example, when I went to High School, there were only three black people in it and it was probably difficult for these people because they weren't a lot in their race. But there are also 3 other  reasons to choose big city. The first reason, is on the social side.  It's easy for an immigrant to be accept instead to be reject because we go to them, to ask questions and the majority of the people are interrested by them anyway it's in my point of view. The second reason is that many comunities and organisations are created like SITO (service integration travail outaouais) in Gatineau that's expacially for group of immigrants who need help to adapt in the society either for your job or for any information about the city in general. There are also neighborhoods with your same nationality like Chinatown and Little Italy that can help immigrants to adapt fastly and where they can find someone in the same situation.  Until now, It's an advantaged to be an immigrant but let's see in the opposite way. If you are a doctor for example or you have a diploma in a high level when you go in the province of Quebec you cannot practice your work. Your diploma is invalid. You need to return at school even if you don't have money, or you are very old. If the doctor don't return at school he will probably become a cashier in a store. It's unfair ! Brief, In Big city like Montreal, the majority of the people are more tolerant of differences than in smaller towns. But I don't know if Quebec city is a big or a small town but the majority of people react like me they don't have prejudice because I think that we have a lot of tourists in Quebec City and because it's common to see a people in an other nationality. But the problem is that people cannot have a job as easy as it woulb be. 
I would like to see more racially different people in Quebec cities other than Montreal because it allow to travel without having to move and this would become a habit to see different people. So, it would have least problem about job because if 50 % for example of the population are immigrants, the owner would have no choice, they would choose them.