Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Name

My mother always wanted to give me that name, the name I bear today because when she was 18 years old she knew a little and pretty girl and her name was Emily with a “Y” because it’s the English form, my mother loved that idea. My father had almost the same idea than my mother but a little bit different because he would name me Amélie instead of Emily, I know that it’s very similar but I’m very happy today that my parent didn’t keep the idea to call me Amélie. Emily is a feminine name derived from the Roman feminine name Aemilia. The Latin name Aemilia in turn may derive from the Latin word aemulus (or from the same root as aemulus); meaning "rival" and “trick”, but this may be a folk etymology. The origin of my name in Greek means “cunning”. I find this funny because my last name is Goupil, and it means “Renard” in French or “Fox” in English but the signification of the word are not the same. So, my first and last name means almost the same thing because a fox is an animal very cunning that plays tricks on other animals and humans which made the character popular. So, the the signification on my both name describe me a lot because I like to play tricks to my friends and I’m a person with a lot of idea in my mind so don’t mess it up with me.

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