Sunday, November 20, 2011


1. a) Tommy Douglas believes that the government should run health care because only the government can take into account the age, the sex, the salary or the economic status of the person to make a price with the ability of the person to pay, unlike the private insurance that do not make a price considering the money you have. They just want to make money. The result will be that it will be too expensive for the families to pay a large sum of money each year to have access to a healthy protection. That is the reason why Mr. Douglas thinks that there should be government run health care.

b)  Dr. E. W. Barootes believes there should not be government run health care because we cannot order charity, mercy, good motion and feeling. We can destroy all the best of human's motion and citizen if we do that. It should not be the government who decides if a person must do charity for an other one or not.

2. At the beginning, in 2000 Stockwell Day did not want a two-tier health care. Now, in 2011 he says that we probably have the best practitioners of any in the world. It is not the fault of the doctors, nurses and other professionals that costs continue to rise disproportionately.This is not because of the aging population neither.

3. In my opinion, we should have government run health care because the money you have should not be linked with your health. For example, if one catches a fatal disease, but one did not have money to insure it, one will not have access at the required treatments and such as in the United States one will be placed on a waiting list. I believe that it is unfair to wait for health care mostly if you have a risk to die. I still cannot understand that there are people in the world without the right to have medical treatments.  We should not pay for survival. Indeed, in the chart of the International Human Rights there is a law that says that one has the right to live and the right to satisfy his basic needs such as the right to have a respectable standard of living, housing, food and medical treatments. Then, according to me, we should have government health care as the opinion of  Tommy Douglas. I think that we should not pay for our health care because some of us will not have access at this human right and a lot of person could die. To conclude, now, as you finish to read this text, it is sad to know that people around you die every day because they did not receive the necessary health care and I still believe that Tommy Douglas made a good point and that he is the Canada's father of medical care.


  1. I am entirely in agreement with you because, in our contemporary society, it is inconceivable to let people die because of the bad health care system who punishes poor people. As you said, it is important to give the chance to everybody to get good health care because basics medical treatments are a part of the International Human Rights. I think that it is a society duty to give health care to everybody, this is not an option!

  2. I totally agree with you when you say that we should not pay for our health care because it prevents people from reaching the care. There are a lot of people in the world that are poor, but we cannot let them die only because their social row. We should not pay for our health and everybody should have an acces to basics medical treatments.

  3. You make a really good point when you say that when we wish to get married, love isn’t sufficient and we have to consider other things more important. Just as an example, we all know that couples which are made up just after one meeting with the only reason that they are “soul mate” don’t survive a long time. Also, it’s true the lack of time is a major problem in our society. If people don’t have the time for thinking to themselves, what it could be when it’s the time to thinking to the other? Maybe it’s difficult but some people are capable to do it because they realize that it just takes a minimum of determination, but it’s not everybody. However, I disagree with you when you say that our parents and our friends know us more than us. They aren’t in our head and sometime, when we never listen ourselves, we take the risk to never be happy.
