Sunday, November 20, 2011


1. a) Tommy Douglas believes that the government should run health care because only the government can take into account the age, the sex, the salary or the economic status of the person to make a price with the ability of the person to pay, unlike the private insurance that do not make a price considering the money you have. They just want to make money. The result will be that it will be too expensive for the families to pay a large sum of money each year to have access to a healthy protection. That is the reason why Mr. Douglas thinks that there should be government run health care.

b)  Dr. E. W. Barootes believes there should not be government run health care because we cannot order charity, mercy, good motion and feeling. We can destroy all the best of human's motion and citizen if we do that. It should not be the government who decides if a person must do charity for an other one or not.

2. At the beginning, in 2000 Stockwell Day did not want a two-tier health care. Now, in 2011 he says that we probably have the best practitioners of any in the world. It is not the fault of the doctors, nurses and other professionals that costs continue to rise disproportionately.This is not because of the aging population neither.

3. In my opinion, we should have government run health care because the money you have should not be linked with your health. For example, if one catches a fatal disease, but one did not have money to insure it, one will not have access at the required treatments and such as in the United States one will be placed on a waiting list. I believe that it is unfair to wait for health care mostly if you have a risk to die. I still cannot understand that there are people in the world without the right to have medical treatments.  We should not pay for survival. Indeed, in the chart of the International Human Rights there is a law that says that one has the right to live and the right to satisfy his basic needs such as the right to have a respectable standard of living, housing, food and medical treatments. Then, according to me, we should have government health care as the opinion of  Tommy Douglas. I think that we should not pay for our health care because some of us will not have access at this human right and a lot of person could die. To conclude, now, as you finish to read this text, it is sad to know that people around you die every day because they did not receive the necessary health care and I still believe that Tommy Douglas made a good point and that he is the Canada's father of medical care.

Thursday, October 27, 2011


Marriage is a social union between two person. When you talk about two person, you talk about a social union, love, respect and the first thing you need to do when you want to take a descision it's to talk with your partner as if you are living for someone else. Therefor to be in relation ship, means to share something with a person you love. But now in our society, the rate of the marriage is very low and  there are many explications about that. The solution is probably to revise arranged marriage. Firstly , most couples marry too young so they do not have the time to know each others they just look the first click but can we just rely this idea for getting married, I think not because we can not forge a long term relation ship with the first impression of the person. I am agree with the idea that in a relation you need to love the person but you do not just need that. You must have the ability to support the person, that may seem brutal but it is the ugly truth. If you are getting married with someone because you think that she or he is your soul mate you are probably doing a mistake because there are more than love in a relation ship. Marriage arranged can probably resolve this problem because like Israr Mirza said in the video of arranged Marriage the best person to know with which person you are compatible it is your parents or your friends. Secondly, the biggest aspect that makes the rate of marriage and divorce too low it is  because of the time. Everybody in the world want a companion for his or her life but they do not have the time to choose the good person or they just do not find the person. In the past, marriage passed before work so it was easy because you had to find a partner as soon as possible to survive sometimes because the man brought the money at home, but now women have the power to make money so they do not need men to live or a men for now that is why work comes before love, marriage and children today. And work is equal with time. Consequently, marriage arranged means a good way to save times because you do not need to think or try to find a person that represents you as Reema Paracha said in the video.   In conclusion, these two aspects make a bad rate of marriage and divorce: first click, fake love and time. And it changed my mind about arranged marriage when I saw the videos. So now I consider myself more as a person agree or at least a person who understands these people who pratice arranged marriage.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Standing out

In my opinion, I will react normally to someone who has a different racial appearance. Firstly, because it's a person like each others despite his race but each human in the world have the same right. So, I'm not agree with the fact that we make the difference between two race. While, the man with the chinese-vietnamese origin said in the first videoclip when someone asked to him " What is your race ? " He will say always a "human" and I'm agree with him because each person have different nationality but it doesn't just depend of where you are come from and your race to determinate who you are it also depend of your your mentality, your education and your heritage.

In the province of Quebec immigrants are accepted a lot espacially in big city like Montreal where the rate of immigration is 31 %. That's why immigrants tend to settle in bigger cities because they are not the only immigrants like you can be in a small city. For example, when I went to High School, there were only three black people in it and it was probably difficult for these people because they weren't a lot in their race. But there are also 3 other  reasons to choose big city. The first reason, is on the social side.  It's easy for an immigrant to be accept instead to be reject because we go to them, to ask questions and the majority of the people are interrested by them anyway it's in my point of view. The second reason is that many comunities and organisations are created like SITO (service integration travail outaouais) in Gatineau that's expacially for group of immigrants who need help to adapt in the society either for your job or for any information about the city in general. There are also neighborhoods with your same nationality like Chinatown and Little Italy that can help immigrants to adapt fastly and where they can find someone in the same situation.  Until now, It's an advantaged to be an immigrant but let's see in the opposite way. If you are a doctor for example or you have a diploma in a high level when you go in the province of Quebec you cannot practice your work. Your diploma is invalid. You need to return at school even if you don't have money, or you are very old. If the doctor don't return at school he will probably become a cashier in a store. It's unfair ! Brief, In Big city like Montreal, the majority of the people are more tolerant of differences than in smaller towns. But I don't know if Quebec city is a big or a small town but the majority of people react like me they don't have prejudice because I think that we have a lot of tourists in Quebec City and because it's common to see a people in an other nationality. But the problem is that people cannot have a job as easy as it woulb be. 
I would like to see more racially different people in Quebec cities other than Montreal because it allow to travel without having to move and this would become a habit to see different people. So, it would have least problem about job because if 50 % for example of the population are immigrants, the owner would have no choice, they would choose them.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

My Name

My mother always wanted to give me that name, the name I bear today because when she was 18 years old she knew a little and pretty girl and her name was Emily with a “Y” because it’s the English form, my mother loved that idea. My father had almost the same idea than my mother but a little bit different because he would name me Amélie instead of Emily, I know that it’s very similar but I’m very happy today that my parent didn’t keep the idea to call me Amélie. Emily is a feminine name derived from the Roman feminine name Aemilia. The Latin name Aemilia in turn may derive from the Latin word aemulus (or from the same root as aemulus); meaning "rival" and “trick”, but this may be a folk etymology. The origin of my name in Greek means “cunning”. I find this funny because my last name is Goupil, and it means “Renard” in French or “Fox” in English but the signification of the word are not the same. So, my first and last name means almost the same thing because a fox is an animal very cunning that plays tricks on other animals and humans which made the character popular. So, the the signification on my both name describe me a lot because I like to play tricks to my friends and I’m a person with a lot of idea in my mind so don’t mess it up with me.

Does gender matter?

I think that it's not the better way to show to your kids how to live in the society. The parents don't help their kids to find their personality in that way. It's hard for a person at this age to make choice for example choose between long hair or short hair, the kid will probably answer long hair... Why ? probably because it's funnier for him but he don't really know the impact of his apparance towards the others. When people have difficulty to say if that's a boy or a girl, I guess that there're a big problem here ! Right ? Anyway... these parents don't know their action towards their son because it'll probably make a kid and adult upset in the future about his apparence or maybe his psychology about the vision of the world because all of his childhood, he grew up in world of a toss up... So he'll probably don't know who is he, how to make the best decision to follow the conformity and how to don't seem strange. Finally, I think that if you don't want to make tons of children as opposed to compliance of the society, we should dress up our kids with compliance of the standars. But when I think about it... we should not rely on the appearance !!! basically, we should not care about these thing. So, now I'm in a toss up I'm not sure if I'm agree or disagree with this. Probably for my conscience it's better if I'm agree with the fact that people can seem like they want even if they are weird ahah !!! but anyway back on topic... like the parents say approximately « the kid can choose himself » ! It's his life. So, to conclude I'm agree that we don't judge people about their appareance but I'm agree too with the fact that a boy not have to be a girl because it's a guy so the parents shouldn't change his mind. That's it !